Over 100 Years
Wrongful Death
Losing a close family member due to the negligent acts of another is always challenging. While the family is left struggling to find answers as to what happened, important steps to protect key evidence need to be taken.
Once police reopen an accident scene and weather conditions change the street markings and skid marks, key, visible evidence can be lost, and your accidental death attorney (and the experts he or she hires) need to capture the same evidence. Only law firms who have a longstanding wrongful death law practice will have these experts on their cell phones and office desk “speed dial.”
When a person, a company (or both) are responsible for causing the death due to provable negligence, South Carolina laws (under SC Code 15 51 10) permit a legal remedy for close family members, called a wrongful death lawsuit. It might be better named an “unlawful death lawsuit.” Suing for wrongful death is how relatives collect compensation in wrongful death lawsuits.
Reconstructing the accident is vital in learning what happened and who was responsible for your loss. With the advent of drones and sophisticated crash scene measuring devices, car accidents can be reconstructed, to later show a jury in a courtroom.